Conference Chairs
We cordially welcome you to the 16th International Conference on Business Information Systems Engineering, hosted by the University of Duisburg-Essen.
Prof. Dr. Frederik Ahlemann holds the chair of Wirtschaftsinformatik and Strategic IT-Management at the University of Duisburg-Essen. He studied Wirtschaftsinformatik at the University of Münster and then worked as a management consultant. Prof. Dr. Ahlemann promoted at the University of Osnabrück in 2006 and headed the Competence Center for Strategic IT Management at the EBS Business School, Wiesbaden from 2006 to 2012. In 2010, he was a guest researcher at the University of South Florida, Tampa, USA. Since 2012 he is full professor at the University of Duisburg-Essen. His research topics include digital transformation, digital business strategies, enterprise architecture management, smart city, and project and project portfolio management. He also communicates these topics in the context of university teaching and in the form of continuing education programs with specialists and managers. His projects are financed in particular by companies from the energy, utilities, waste management and IT sectors. Prof. Dr. Ahlemann is author and co-author of more than 100 scientific and technical publications, has won several research and teaching awards and is a renowned speaker and consultant.
Reinhard Schütte is Professor of Wirtschaftsinformatik and Integrated Information Systems at the University of Duisburg-Essen. He studied and received his PhD at the University of Münster, was a research assistant at the University of Essen, represented the Chair of Industrial Management at the University of Koblenz and habilitated in Münster. In 2013 he became Professor for Information Management and Retail Information Systems at Zeppelin University and since 2015 he has held a chair for Wirtschaftsinformatik at the University of Duisburg-Essen.
Professor Schütte’s research interests are process-oriented, ranging from the impact of systems and their acceptance, to the management of application systems and the holistic transformation of companies in the course of digitization. The content of his research work is usually related to the domain of commerce, in which he is a proven expert. He is author and co-author of more than 100 publications.
In addition to his scientific career, Professor Schütte has been active as a member of the executive and supervisory boards of large and medium-sized retail groups and was responsible, among other things, for one of the world’s largest IT transformation projects in retail.
Professor Schüttes Forschungsinteressen orientieren sich prozessorientiert von der Wirkung von System mitsamt ihrer Akzeptanz über das Management von Anwendungssystemen bis hin zur ganzheitlichen Transformation von Unternehmen im Zuge der Digitalisierung. Die inhaltliche Ausprägung der Forschungsarbeiten erfolgt i.d.R. mit einem Bezug zur Domäne des Handels, in der er ein ausgewiesener Experte ist. Er ist Autor und Co-Autor von mehr als 100 Publikationen.
Neben seiner wissenschaftlichen Laufbahn war Professor Schütte als Vorstand und Aufsichtsrat in großen und mittelständischen Handelskonzernen tätig und verantwortete u.a. eines der weltweit größten IT-Transformationsprojekte im Handel.
Stefan Stieglitz is Professor for Professional Communication in Electronic Media / Social Media at the University of Duisburg-Essen. Previously, he studied at the Universities of Cologne, Paderborn and Potsdam, where he completed his PhD in 2008. From 2010-2015 he was assistant professor at the Institute for Wirtschaftsinformatik at the University of Münster.
His research focuses on digital transformation in the context of communication and collaboration systems in business and society. In addition to questions of technology appropriation and use, he also investigates mass data from social media. Stefan Stieglitz is director and founder of the Competence Center Connected Organization, which promotes the exchange between science and practice. His work has been published in renowned journals such as the Journal of Management Information Systems, European Journal of Information Systems and Business & Information Systems Engineering and was awarded the AIS Best Information Systems Publications Award in 2016.
WI2021 Team
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Social Media Management
Professional Communication in Electronic Media / Social Media
Prof. Stieglitz
Finance, Culture and Social Events
Center for Digital Business
Prof. Ahlemann & Schütte
Website & App
Professional Communication in Electronic Media / Social Media
Prof. Stieglitz
Social Media & Community Workshop Organisation
Wirtschaftsinformatik and Strategic IT-Management
Prof. Ahlemann
Community Workshop Organisation
Wirtschaftsinformatik and Strategic IT-Management
Prof. Ahlemann
Operational Conference and Project Management
Wirtschaftsinformatik and Integrated Information Systems
Prof. Schütte
Cultural Events
Wirtschaftsinformatik and Integrated Information Systems
Prof. Schütte
Cultural Events
Wirtschaftsinformatik and Integrated Information Systems
Prof. Schütte